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8 Essential Things Every Car Owner Must Have in Their Car Boots


Remember the motto of Boy’s Scout “Always Be Prepare”. Yes, that’s the same mindset every driver should have. Diamonds are forever, car parts are not. To avoid being stranded on any of our dusty dubai roads, you have to be prepared. You can’t say exactly when and where you’re car might develop an issue. Being equipped with the right tools though, will help you get on your journey faster.

Spare Tyres

Do you know that in some countries it’s against the law to drive without a functional spare tyre? It is that important. Nothing is worse than having an empty space in your spare tyre compartment. Or bringing out your spare tyre and it just will not work, because since the last time you took the spare, you didn’t fix the damaged one. Before you make your next drive, just walk into a tyres shop and get yourself a Pirelli tyre Dubai. They are reliable than most and would require less fixing

Tyre Changing Tools

It’s no use having a spare tyre, if you don’t have the necessary tools to fix it when you have a flat tyre. For this you’ll need a car jack, tyre iron and lug wrench, with these tools you can change your car tyre without help.


Imagine having to change your tyres in the night, but you can’t see a thing, a flashlight will come in handy in this situation. It’s best to use rechargeable ones and ensure they are charged every three months if not being in use.

Reflective Triangle

This is especially important if you car happens to break down by a bend, at night. You’d need a way to alert oncoming motorists of a broken down car. These triangles should be placed at least 45 meters from your vehicle.

Jumper Cables

You can’t always tell when your batteries will run out, and you can’t be sure the Good Samaritan will have a jumper cable. There are emergency battery starter to help jump start your car if the need arises. With this you can jump start your car without needing any body’s help.

Fuel Can

Now you should never get to the point where you’re running out of gas. But who’s to say what the future holds. With a gas can, you can easily walk to the nearest gas station and buy fuel for your vehicle. Don’t store fuel in it though; it would be tantamount to driving around with a bomb in your boot.

First Aid Kit

Accidents happen, sometimes, minor and sometimes major. No one however can exactly tell how or when they’ll happen. With that in mind your car emergency kit should contain pain killers, bandages, antiseptics and over the counter drugs that one may need.

Basic Tool Kit

Different sizes of screw drivers, spanners, hammers, duct tapes, .etc.You don’t exactly have to be handy with any of these tools, but then again you can’t tell when you’ll need them.


There are many other kits people think that one should have in his car for emergency purposes. However, the ones listed above will be needed by anyone irrespective of your climatic conditions or trunk size.  The majority of these tools can be gotten at any tyres shop.