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Why It’s a Good Idea to Convert Your Gas-Guzzler into an Electric Car

Do you sometimes wonder if you’ll ever do away with having to fill up your car with gas, especially with the prices at the till these days? Wouldn’t it be great if you can attach a cable to your car, plug it into the nearest power outlet at home, and wake up the next morning to a fully charged vehicle? Imagine having an electric car, and finally putting an end to all your worries about having enough to pay for gas. It isn’t as if this is a new concept. The inner works include a rechargeable battery pack that works to power up the electric motor in order to move the vehicle. While there are some cars which utilize both an electric motor and a standard combustion engine, these aren’t considered electric cars at all, but hybrids. A true electric car runs on a rechargeable pack and an electric motor alone. It doesn’t give off any carbon emissions at all, making the vehicle totally non-pollutant. This kind of green car will be a vehicle that every environmentalist is sure to approve of.

Electric cars run on very simple motors. The car’s engine is powered by several batteries that are connected to a standard on and off switch. This switch is attached to the motor which likewise runs on electricity. This electric motor is responsible for the motion of the car’s wheels, enabling it to move forward and back. The amount of electricity that’s needed for the motor and gear system can also be regulated in a manner that will allow the driver more control over the wheels. There are some electric cars which are equipped with solar panels which work to convert the sun’s energy into electricity. Electric cars can be handled with exceptional ease and can accelerate very quickly due to its low center of gravity. Even at slower speeds, an electric car can maintain an unbroken torque, so you can drive up inclines or make sharp curves without having to rev up the engine. This makes electric car conversion all the more attractive to consumers who are sick and tired of having to put up with the rising price of fuel. You won’t have to buy a new vehicle to avail of the advanced technology of electric cars. You won’t even have to miss out on any of your favorite technical and mechanical features that you’re accustomed to in fuel-powered models. The only thing that changes is the car’s power source, which goes from fuel to electricity. And what’s the secret? All you need to do is build an electric car! For your car protection buy mercedes outdoor car cover.

Electric car conversion will save you money on having to buy a whole new vehicle. It only takes a bit of technical know-how, and a good DIY electric car conversion guide. One such guide that you can find online is the Premium Electric Car Guide which will give you step-by-step instructions in converting your gas-guzzler into a fully-functional electric car. Not only will you be able to drive for up to 200 miles after every charge, you’ll also do away with fuel consumption, and do your part for the environment besides. Do you sometimes wonder if you’ll ever do away with having to fill up your car with gas, especially with the prices at the till these days? Wouldn’t it be great if you can attach a cable to your car, plug it into the nearest power outlet at home, and wake up the next morning to a fully charged vehicle? Imagine having an electric car, and finally putting an end to all your worries about having enough to pay for gas.


It isn’t as if this is a new concept.  The inner works include a rechargeable battery pack that works to power up the electric motor in order to move the vehicle. While there are some cars which utilize both an electric motor and a standard combustion engine, these aren’t considered electric cars at all, but hybrids. A true electric car runs on a rechargeable pack and an electric motor alone. It doesn’t give off any carbon emissions at all, making the vehicle totally non-pollutant. This kind of green car will be a vehicle that every environmentalist is sure to approve of. Electric cars run on very simple motors. The car’s engine is powered by several batteries that are connected to a standard on and off switch. This switch is attached to the motor which likewise runs on electricity. This electric motor is responsible for the motion of the car’s wheels, enabling it to move forward and back. The amount of electricity that’s needed for the motor and gear system can also be regulated in a manner that will allow the driver more control over the wheels. There are some electric cars which are equipped with solar panels which work to convert the sun’s energy into electricity. Electric cars can be handled with exceptional ease and can accelerate very quickly due to its low center of gravity. Even at slower speeds, an electric car can maintain an unbroken torque, so you can drive up inclines or make sharp curves without having to rev up the engine. This makes electric car conversion all the more attractive to consumers who are sick and tired of having to put up with the rising price of fuel.

You won’t have to buy a new vehicle to avail of the advanced technology of electric cars. You won’t even have to miss out on any of your favorite technical and mechanical features that you’re accustomed to in fuel-powered models. The only thing that changes is the car’s power source, which goes from fuel to electricity. And what’s the secret? All you need to do is build an electric car!

Electric car conversion will save you money on having to buy a whole new vehicle. It only takes a bit of technical know-how, and a good DIY electric car conversion guide. One such guide that you can find online is the Premium Electric Car Guide which will give you step-by-step instructions in converting your gas-guzzler into a fully-functional electric car.

Not only will you be able to drive for up to 200 miles after every charge, you’ll also do away with fuel consumption, and do your part for the environment besides. They are all around us. Those who are ready to take the plunge into fully electrical car, hybrid petrol and electric automobiles are a good alternative. Millions of hybrids have been sold and many millions are waiting to be sold.

Electric cars are trending

Pure electric vehicles are surely gaining a foothold in the market. Last year in Great Britain alone some 13 thousand electric vehicles were sold. This is not an earth shattering number but enough to justify broader infrastructure and more R&D investment in new models of electric cars. Two things that might stop a would be electric vehicle buyer from buying are its cost and lack of sufficient charging stations.

Cost of Electric Cars

Ever-increasing popularity of electrical vehicles is set to change the cost dynamic of these cars. The price of electric autos is coming down every passing year. Prime examples of this change is reflected in current pricing of electric version of Mitsubishi Outlander and Renault Zoe. Prices are indeed coming down and in the coming five years the premium charged for electrical version of standard or hybrid automobiles may disappear.

Electric Car Charging Infrastructure

This has been the second biggest obstacle. Most electric automobiles have at best a range of 100 miles before they need a charging station. This infrastructure is now in place in and around large cities of most developed countries. It is certainly not as convenient as stopping by a Petrol station to get your tank filled, most electric charging points have the capacity to charge two cars at a time but with 3000 charging stations in just the United Kingdom, it has become feasible to travel long distances with electric cars. In UK alone, there are 700 rapid change stations that will charge your car to 80% in just half an hour.

One obstacle in this is that every manufacturer has chosen a different connector type. There is a strong need for all electrical car manufacturers to standardize on one connector just as every petrol and diesel vehicle can be filled with the same nozzle the world over. With seven different kinds of connectors in use for different electric vehicles, one cannot be sure if the connector used on your car will be available at the charge point on your route. One tip: don’t head to a charging station without checking the Zap Map in advance of any trip as it does list this information.

How to Charge your car

It is always a good idea to hire an electrician to check if your circuit will be able to bear the load of regular overnight charging. If it cannot, then work with him to increase the capacity. Once that is done you can leave your car to charge overnight as you sleep. You don’t have to do this set up alone. Not only can you get a government grant to defray these expenses, many manufacturers will do the set up for you as a part of your electric car purchase package. If you don’t have parking in your home, garage or off road, most governments in developed world will give you a grant to install a public charging point near your residence or office. You can supplement overnight charging with during the day charging at public charging points. Two kinds of charging is available at public charging points: fast charging which take three to four hours or rapid charge which takes around half an hour. Too many rapid charges are not recommended as they reduce the life of your battery.