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Tips On How To Care For Your TransmissionClutch

Many drivers have habits that, in the long run, can be detrimental to the mechanics of their vehicles. For example, when it comes to using the transmission clutch, you should avoid the following:

Resting your foot on the pedal: by leaving your left foot on the clutch pedal, you wear the disc and the thrust bearing, so you should leave it on the footrest when you cannot operate it.

Keeping your foot down when stationary: instead of placing the gearshift in neutral, keep the gear lever in first gear with the clutch depressed, again contributing to premature wear.

Clutch depressing: when depressing the clutch pedal, you should avoid over-accelerating. Otherwise, you will be subjecting the mechanism to much more wear than necessary.

Once the wear or damage is done, you can identify the problems with some clues:

  • Friction sound when clutching: the transmission control may not be adjusted appropriately.
  • Squeaking sound when holding down the clutch: if it is something similar to a creaking sound, it is most likely a worn clutch fork ball joint, while if it is a cricket-like sound, the thrust bearing is being excessively worn. Friction discs withstand very high stresses.
  • Noise increases when the pedal is depressed slowly: it is also detected at low speeds or when parking in reverse gear and is produced when the collar needs to be replaced.
  • Noise in neutral: usually disappears when the clutch pedal is depressed slowly without accelerating. The clutch fork is probably damaged.
  • Inability to disengage the clutch after clutching noisily: the disc damper has been worn down to the point of destruction due to always taking at very high resolutions.
  • The clutch slips: when accelerating, the engine revs more than it should, and the car does not gain speed with the usual proportionality, and even on an uphill slope, the vehicle may not move forward. In addition, the part no longer allows direct power transmission because it slips, and a large part of the power is lost in this friction. In this case, it will fail completely within a few days.

The key to taking care of your car’s clutch is to avoid unnecessary friction and to do so, you must not forget to use antifreeze, oils, water, and other necessary liquids. Using high precision systems such as these automated fluid dispensing equipment can help you to deliver these essential liquids into your engine consistently.

Otherwise, the engine will be unnecessarily stressed, increasing its temperature and affecting other vehicle systems such as the radiator.

Accelerate slowly; avoid “accelerating.” The key to learning how to drive a standard car is to synchronize smoothly using the clutch and accelerator.

A bad habit that damages your car is to accelerate hard when starting the vehicle or after shifting. Again, you force the car’s engine, the clutch wears out, and you consume more fuel.

Another bad habit that drivers have is to leave their hands on the gear lever. This unnecessary pressure wears out the clutch and the engine in general over time.

It may sound too exaggerated, but the wear is natural, and you can avoid it with a simple action: moving your hand on the steering wheel. Besides, it is much safer to drive with both hands on the steering wheel; it is worth avoiding this bad habit.

It is even good to put the car in neutral to avoid unnecessary work for the engine due to the resistance of the transmission clutch seals.

Careful when washing the car. It may be common sense, but a mistake when washing the car is to spray water with a lot of pressure under the vehicle. While it is true that most of the car’s exterior components can get wet, you should avoid getting water inside and damaging the vehicle.